A Hero Awaits...
Available sizes:
8.5" x 11" open edition print (only at shows)
11" x 14" open edition print
Want to purchase this artwork? Buy it directly from the artist at the following shows:
The Tennessee Renaissance Festival
Ohio Renaissance Festival
About the Piece:
Michael and I participate in a panel at many of our conventions named the "Charity Art Jam." Originally named "Iron Artist," all of us laid back artists soon realized that "Iron Artist" (inspired by "Iron Chef") implies a competition between us. While there is slight competition to see whose piece sells for the most during the auction, it is more about helping each other come up with cool ideas and just making some art.
Our friend Melissa Gay first coined the term "Charity Art Jam" for JordanCon. Because it is literally, a bunch of artists, sitting around, having a jam session to make some art in 2 hours, that we then sell for charity. Perfect description that is in the title!
At some shows, the theme is a simple thing, "flowers and death," "goblins and skulls," "science fiction." But then there is JordanCon. The people that come up with what they do are artists themselves. For 2017, the theme was archetypes, characters, character types, and creatures that exist through literature and film, but a tried and true, universally recognized being.
The presenters had gotten these beautiful cards printed up, thick card stock, fancy design work, very top notch. Being in the midst of playing a whole lot of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I decided, who cares what I draw as my archetype, I can probably make it fit into the Zelda universe. The first card drawn to my right, "Furry Animal Companion." Next up, "The Outsider." Third up, my brother draws "The Creator." Now it's my pick.
And what do I flip over... "Hero."
About the Artist:
Paul and his brother Michael opened Aradani Studios in 2002, selling both their artwork and costuming as they travelled all across the US. Paul’s medium of choice is charcoal, a passion he discovered in college. He loves the fluidity of it, the ease of moving it across the page with a simple gesture, and on the flipside, the challenge of it, such a simple gesture can also erase hours of painstaking detail. Paul’s work has won numerous awards around the country, including the prestigious Chesley Award in 2006, for Best Monochrome Unpublished for his piece Nightmare. He currently resides in Nashville, TN, where he, his brother, and sister continue to expand and build their elf ear empire. You can see his artwork at http://paulbielaczyc.com/.